Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Democrats Are Now Calling Each Other Racists

 The Democrat party, which formerly saw racism only in white Republicans, is now calling each other racists.

These woke, fool people, who seem to only be able to express themselves through eyes of racial vision, don’t believe in meritocracy, but need the weapon of race to be able to make any decisions in their professional lives.

The reason for the racial sparring on the part of Democrats is that the DNC is trying to by-pass Kamala Harris as their party’s candidate for president in 2024. Biden is absolutely out of the running, and Kamala is such a laughingstock fool that she can only harm the party in the November election, so the Democrats rely on racial insults and accusations to defend her. So when the DNC officials began to suggest names to offer for the top slots in the party, Kamala was passed over, because the proposed candidates were not to the DEI crowd’s liking

It’s hard to understand why Kamala could pretend to be insulted by not being selected as the Democrat presidential candidate. The woman is a word-salad, laughing, fool who hasn’t achieved anything as VP that could distinguish her for a job in any industry. So it’s a certainty that consideration of merit in her current job would not lead one to select Kamala to be our next president. Therefore we see a Democrat fallback to the use of race to shut people up who don’t meet DEI standards of appearance.

However, the racist charge of one Democrat against another Democrat seems to be the correct form of reference to attach to members of the Democrat party. Kamala was only selected for Biden’s VP because of skin color and gender, so Biden was a racist to select her in the first place. And those who oppose considering whites or males for the presidential candidate are absolutely committing an act of racism, according to woke, DEI standards. 

And Kamala’s lack of achievement as VP would keep anyone looking at her job history from selecting her for her party‘s top official. So I guess “racist” is the correct term to use when speaking about Democrats: they don’t think in terms of what’s good for the party or for the nation. They only understand how to push the DEI crap on the world and serve their own selfish lives, not of the good of all citizens.

Democrats are learning that to live by DEI is to die by DEI, and it serves them right to be in the desperate situation they are in as regards the upcoming presidential election, and all because of the Democrat fixation on race.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Filthy Democrats Cheated And Ballot-Stuffed To Get Biden In Office, And Now They Can’t Get Him To Go Away

 How sweet it is! The lying Democrats get their presidential candidate into office by all means illegal and underhanded, then they can’t get the idiot dolt to leave the office so they can run a more viable candidate in 2024, after he made a fool of himself in his debate with Trump last week.

When crooked fools like the woke and far-left Democrat party, and their pals in the main stream media who kept Biden‘s infirmity secret from their stupid leftist Democrat readers and watchers, lie repeatedly to American citizens, they deserve any hardship that fate can bestow on them. Justice against Democrats is deserved in this case, and it’s so sweet to watch them squirm.

As well as being stuck with a non-electable candidate in the 2024 election, Democrats are also stuck with the often literally insane and always woke and leftist policies that the Biden administration has shoved down the throats of Americans. Under a Biden administration the border will remain open to criminals entering our country. Biden’s IRS will fill buildings in DC with thousands of new tax agents hired to yank money from fearful American citizens for imagined tax offenses. Children will keep being irreversibly damaged for life with drugs and operations designed to change their sex. Automobile manufacturers will continue to be forced by government to make and sell electric vehicles. Gasoline and diesel fuel will continue to be outrageously expensive, causing all consumer products and food to be more expensive as a result. Inflation will continue to climb as Biden wastes more billions of dollars on his green policies, and the outright lie of warming change. Hamas lovers and Jew haters will continue to riot, damage property, threaten Jewish students and chant “Death To America” with no consequence. Israel will continue to live under the existential threat that Hamas presents to them as a nation. And Democrat-run cities will continue to suffer under defunded and fearful police forces, and will see further homelessness and unpunished criminal activity as Democrat DAs release criminals to commit more murders and rapes.

American citizens who are Democrat party voters should be outraged that their president, their Democrat party and the news organizations that they listen to in order to be informed on current events and happenings in their party, have lied to them these last three years, and they have no one to blame except Joe Biden, the Democrat party and their own refusal to investigate the lies coming from Democrat politicians, in order to bury the truth safely behind their lies. Just taking stories from the mouths of government and party-line news organizations is how Communist and Fascist governments control their citizens, and this is how America can be destroyed: when our own citizens don’t use a little caution as to where they get their news and information.

One weeps for the suffering that the Democrat party has caused for this once great nation. But suffering citizens can get their country back in November by voting all Democrats out of office, and replacing them with Republicans, from Trump at the top of the list, to dog catcher at the bottom.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden Has About As Much Self-Awareness As A Dog Casually Licking Its Backside

 Not only did our out-to-lunch president show no humility or shame for the drubbing he got from Trump last Thursday, and not only did he fail to show any awareness at his own party calling him a failure in the debate, but he immediately went on the offensive in South Carolina and screamed that he stood for the truth, after falsely representing himself as a healthy, aware and alert 81-year-old man.

In front of the entire world he has proven himself to be the foolish and mindless idiot all Republicans knew him to be, yet he goes from being completely destroyed in the recent debate to telling audiences how ready he is for another term in office.

Equally lacking in self-awareness are the audiences that greeted him with cheers and applause in South Carolina. It appears that Democrats who support Biden are complete fools who have no ability to determine truth from outright lies.

I almost feel sorry for the Democrats and the gigantic problem they now have of presenting a candidate for the November election; almost, but not quite. The leftist news agencies have known all along how feeble Biden has become physically, and how raspy and weak his voice has been these last two years, yet they did nothing to fix this problem when it was fixable, and they evidently did not share the facts of Biden’s failing condition with readers and viewers, which is contrary to everything in the second amendment which allows news agencies to have their speech protected.

Anyone who watched the Fox News Channel these last two years was well aware of Joey’s weakness and infirmity. One hopes that the lie of a healthy Biden will destroy the far-left, ultra-woke, Democrat party, and one also hopes that the lies, both expressed and unexpressed, that the leftist news people have told, will cause the collapse of CNN, NYT, WAPO and the other lying, anti-American hate groups.

Shame on the Democrats who thought that a drugged-up Biden would be able to stand up against Trump, but whether or not drugging was part of Biden’s week-long retirement from all duties presidential preceding the debate, and despite advice from his sixteen leftist advisors as to how to defend the greatness of Biden’s administration during the debate, these people are everything America stands against, and they must all be electorially buried in the November election, and their news organizations must be made bankrupt by the public turning their backs on these lying fools.

But despite CNN and the other far left Biden fellow-travelers suddenly trash-talking Biden because of his vacuous stares, his stuttering and stammering, his lack of ability to pronounce words and construct phrases and express ideas during the debate, I’ve not heard anyone on the far left denounce the tragic policies of the Biden years: inflation; defunding the police; high fuel prices; an open border letting in tens of millions of invaders, among whom are thousands of criminals; his edict to halt oil production and refinement; his edict that all automobile manufacturers must begin making electric vehicles for a nation that loves their piston engine cars; the irreversible medical operations and chemical procedures being performed on young people who think they want to reverse their sex, among many other stupid or absolutely insane Biden-era policies. Until Democrats can admit that Biden’s policies are disastrous for the nation, thinking American voters must assume that Democrats will continue the horrible things Biden has been doing, and we must in good conscience vote to rid our nation of all Democrats and their dangerous policies.

Joe Biden is incompetent and would have never become president except for the CIA lie that Hunter’s computer was a Russian hoax, but his incompetence and his inability to think and make common sense decisions are what created the literal insanity of the woke ideas such as men being able to bear children, which his administration has been shoving down the nation’s throats these last three years.

America is in dire need of divine intervention if we are to survive these last months of the Biden administration, at which time we can throw all of these insane Democrats out of office.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trying To Live Well In An Era Of Pussies And Dummies

 The unheard-of heat of summer! Imagine if you can: a temperature of 95 degrees, in summer! How can we possibly survive such extreme conditions?

The radical Democrat left and their obvious lies of warming/change are deliriously happy that such a big deal is being made of an annual phenomenon, which every year makes summer hot. The radical left is making hay over the fear of the natural and repeat occurrence of heat, and they’ll destroy this great nation if we don’t all wake up and stop bitching about the things nature presents to us.

The great-grandparents of today’s young people experienced real, extreme heat and misery during the dustbowl days of the 1930s, when roads were covered with tons of blowing and shifting dust, and when homes in Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma were buried under, and filled with, dust, that caused pneumonia and initiated many deaths. None of these people had air conditioning or running water to provide even a little comfort. And this horror lasted the better part of a decade. Nature started the heat and dryness, and nature ended it.

Have the spoiled citizens of America no memory of the past, no appreciation for the comforts we enjoy today and no understanding of the give-and-take of nature? And knowing of the extreme heat and dryness of past decades, why are so many people unable to see the lies of the Democrat environmental movement, that is the real existential threat to America today?

Now for the “dummy” side of the aisle. Democrats wring their hands and loudly complain that Donald Trump will put all of his leftist opponents in jail if he is re-elected to the White House in November, while the Biden administration is busy performing that very task of imprisoning Trump and many of his former staff and supporters. Why are American citizens so stupid that they believe these Democrat lies? Trump could have prosecuted and imprisoned Hillary Clinton during his administration; after all, the Director of the FBI carefully listed the crimes she committed while Secretary of State in the Obama administration. But Trump left his political opponents alone after he was sworn in. Now he has been investigated, lied about, cleared of all of the Russia-Russia-Russia charges, and pestered to near death with various flimsy prosecutions, one of which found him guilty but failed to inform us of the actual crime he is alleged to have committed. And they still claim Trump will rule as a dictator, which he never did during his first four years in the Oval Office, but Biden has ruled like a dictator since day one of his presidency.

One of the first policies that Joey Biden put in place after his swearing-in ceremony, was to open our borders to any criminal and insane person that third-world nations wanted to get rid of.  During the Trump administration illegal invasions nearly dried up, but under Biden we’ve seen a steep up-tic in murders and rapes being committed by Biden’s multi-million-strong, immigration foreign invasion force, but all the radical-left Democrats have to say in defense of Biden’s idiotic policy is that Republicans must join Democrats in “immigration reform”, which of course means that Republicans will have to give in to all Democrat demands concerning immigration. And then after lying about the illegal murderers and rapists that Biden has permitted to freely enter our country, they take a lying step further and blame our current third-world invasion on Trump. How stupid can people be?

And be on the lookout for health emergency warnings and edicts coming from our  Socialist president with this current 95 degree “mega heat wave” that threatens to kill us all. The Biden administration is so fearful of Trump winning in November that they will apply lessons they learned in the covid years: they will declare a health emergency and prohibit the use of air conditioners and automobiles, calling them toxic and an existential threat to all Americans. And watch our dizzy president attempt to shut down our economy and postpone the November election to another, distant and unspecified date when the threat of death-by-summer is not so great. The Democrats will do anything and concoct any lie to keep Donald Trump from winning in November.

Any and all proposals coming from Democrats in the next five months must be opposed by thinking and concerned Americans, and we all must vote Republican in November and hope that the violent and desperate Democrats don’t have Donald Trump assassinated before he can take office in January, 2025.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Our Debater-In-Chief Takes A Week Off To Learn How Great His Presidency Has Been

 If the current reports are correct, the dunce in the White House is going to spend the next week getting ready for his debate with Donald Trump, during which event he‘ll try to defend his failed term in office.

How stupid does a man, let alone the most powerful man in the world (the United States president), have to be to require coaching on the results of the disastrous three years of his administration? Hasn’t he been around to witness the inflation, the dictatorial electric vehicle orders, the halt-all-drilling orders, the millions of illegals that have invaded our nation under Biden’s specific orders, and the rapes and murders of American citizens that have been the inevitable result of Joey’s orders? And don’t forget the magnificent lie about the existential threat of warming/change, when the only threat to America is Joseph Biden and his Socialist-Communist policies, that are rapidly destroying the prosperity and freedom of this, the last remaining, pleasant nation in which to live. 

How vapid and out of touch with reality does a president have to be, to be given questions and answers to points that may come up about occurrences that happened during the three years of his owned failed presidency?

This week of grilling, questioning and providing Joey with answers to obvious areas of discussion during the debate next week, doesn’t give Americans a warm and fuzzy feeling about Joey’s understanding of the tragic events that have transpired these last three years, given the line-up of evil foreign rulers who are enemies of our constitutional government and who intend to end it.  Considering and compared with the relatively safe, secure and friendly atmosphere of the upcoming debate between Trump and Biden, American citizens might well feel fearful of any actual foreign government’s military aggression against America, with the slow-witted and stuttering Biden in charge of our defense.

If Joey can’t stand toe-to-toe with Trump without a week of providing him with a listing of all of Trump’s likely points and counter-points, how can the frail, stumbling and dithering Biden stand up to Russia, China or the Mullahs of Iran?

Americans fear that Joey would crumble under a real military attack on America, and he is likely to surrender in a minute if an enemy launches a serious attack on our once great nation. With all of the Biden administration’s blame-America-first and the shaming that has been directed at the United States, while being accused for causing the poverty seen around the world, it seems logical that Biden would submit to the attack, because our nation deserves it, according to the dominant Democrat logic.

If our enemies have any sense at all, they’ll attack America while our idle-headed Joey is being schooled on his administration’s wide ranging series of “successes” this next week; his head will be so full of facts and figures about his greatness and wisdom and what a miraculous visionary leader he is, that he won’t have the energy or the presence of mind to give the order for the military to oppose any enemy attack, even if he wanted to oppose one.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Under British Rule, America Was Born As A Penal Colony; Under Biden’s Rule, America Is Now Ending It’s Life As One

 Aside from whatever agricultural products the British could produce in America, one large use that this vast colony provided for England was a dumping ground for all of the criminal class that the crown wanted to send away from the British Isles. So Americans have learned to live with the knowledge that we were a British penal colony in our earliest years.

And now that Biden has established an open border policy for America, we’ve now, once again, become a penal colony for Venezuela and Central American Socialist and Communist countries who love the idea of sending their criminals and mental patients north to the Great Satan, and let the Yanks deal with them.

But the invasion of America by criminals and insane people that terrorist governments don’t want to deal with has a rich history with American Democrat presidents, because Jimmy Carter was president when Cuba’s Mariel Boatlift occurred in 1980, as Fidel Castro opened his prisons and sent his mental deviants and criminal class to America.

But as with all of the other disasters that Carter created and Biden made even worse, Joey’s influx is of several millions of invaders from all over the world, whereas Carter’s was just a few thousand from Castro‘s prisons, so Biden has made Carter look good once again in the history of injury and insult being done to America by foolish and wrong-headed Democrat presidents. 

As one views the situation as it presently exists in the highest echelons of the D.C. swamp, the Biden family is just a pack of swindling, drug taking, corrupt, influence-peddlers making themselves rich at the expense of American citizens, so it only makes sense that they would out-perform the simple-minded peanut farmer from Georgia.

One can only hope that our nation’s citizens have seen sufficient destruction done to America these last three years, and as we read almost daily about Biden’s invited criminal, third world filth, killing police officers, rioting when the things being given to them are not to their liking, and killing and raping women all over America, perhaps we can rid ourselves of the plague of Democrat dictatorship at the ballot box this November, and vote the leftist, Democrat bums out.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

When The Next Biden-Inspired Terrorist Attack Hits America, How Will Mush-Brained Joey React?

 Given the millions of illegal persons that the Biden policy of an open border has allowed into our nation, and given the thousands of known terrorists and just plain criminals that have already been discovered among this vast number of invaders, a responsible person can be excused for wondering how our unbalanced leader would react when the inevitable attack, or a mass of coordinated attacks, occurred across our nation. After all, the Democrat rioting the entire summer of 2020 gave the leftists plenty of practice in the art of burning and killing in American cities.

We know that Joey Biden is indifferent to the safety and welfare of American citizens and the general national security stance of our country, so it’s an easy step for one to imagine what the mumbling, stumbling fool in the Oval Office would do if America were attacked by organized gangs of illegals or by a foreign military power. I greatly fear that Joey would immediately surrender and hand over control of the nation to the invaders. This conclusion is in line with everything this thoughtless idiot has done during his three years in office, and is in agreement with every policy he has put in place. In the opinions of Biden and the American Democrat far-left, America is a colonial power, it’s a racist and a xenophobic nation, and it’s high time that this terrible nation paid for its sins against the less-well-off nations of the world who refuse to allow Capitalism to enrich their countries, and have ruthless governments run by dictators who keep their citizens impoverished and subjugated. Biden has proven true Barack Obama’s observation that Joey has the ability to f**k up everything with every decision he makes; he’s been wrong on every move he’s made during his term in office, so why would war be any different?

And if Joey didn’t survive the initial attack (in his current state of deterioration and mental confusion, he might just go running to hide under his bed with his blankie) and if Kamala Harris succeeded him to the Oval Office, she would just cackle herself to surrender, because she’s a non-serious, incompetent fool, just like Joey.

And considering the illegal things that the Democrats have done to keep Donald Trump from running for office again, such as the election interference via law-fare that the Democrats are waging against Trump with the long list of phony indictments, the failed impeachments and the special counsel investigation they put in place to give Trump a  bad name with American voters, how can anyone not believe that they would have Trump assassinated in the two months between the time he is elected in November and when he’s sworn in for a second term in January, 2025?

Our nation is in such deep crap during these next eight months left in the Biden term of office, that one fears what the crooked Democrats will do tomorrow, let alone after Trump has been re-elected in six months’ time.

As an afterthought, the movie Sicario describes to Americans the eternal, third-world hell that our idiot president has unloaded on this once great nation, and Joseph Biden must never be forgiven for the willful and deliberate sin of opening our border to the criminals and terrorists of the world. May Biden’s weak and suffering soul haunt the depths of hell, with no relief to his pain, for an eternity.