Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Donald Trump Escapes Democrat Traps Like A Magician. I Love This Guy.


He was impeached twice on trumped-up charges and skated each time.

He was investigated by a special counsel and came out clean.

He’s been indicted by half of the left-wing DAs in the nation and is still walking free.

The Democrats tried to keep him off the ballots in left-wing states, but he’s still running.

He’s been lied about by every speaker at the Democrat National Conference, yet RFK suspends his own candidacy and endorses Trump.

He’s been shot in the head while campaigning and remains more heavily scheduled with appearances than before the shooting.

He’s had Kamala steal his campaign promises, but sticks to his guns.

He’s a billionaire who could be living like a king, surrounded by luxury and not having to fear a sniper’s bullet or the next criminal indictment from the Biden/Harris administration, but is instead taking constant and unrelenting abuse to serve the future of American citizens.

All of the lies about Trump, and anyone belonging to MAGA, are ignored, and his popularity grows.

The entire Biden/Harris DOJ repeatedly tried to imprison him, if not outright kill him, and he simply gives them the figurative finger and moves on with his quest for a second term in the Oval Office.

The weight of the crooked Biden/Harris government and the Department of Justice is endeavoring to stop Trump any way they possibly can, and he just surges ahead.

The wonderous thing about Donald Trump is that he’s not a traditional politician who just wants to be on camera and make a name for himself. He’s someone who has made his own money and is already widely known, and his only desire is to correct the crooked things that government in general, and the Biden/Harris administration in particular, are doing to cause personal and financial injury to America. Trump believes that the federal government should allow American citizens to live and achieve freely again, without having to worry about big government bankrupting them for disagreeing with the radical, leftist policies of the Biden/Harris cohort, or destroying their livelihood, or imprisoning them for some odd-ball offense the government has thought up, like forcing everyone to buy an electric vehicle.

Trump has become a kind of legend in his efforts to oppose a corrupt government that will tell any lie, present false evidence, and to even arrange his death, in order to get him to shut up and let them rule the nation without opposition.

We must all support Trump for taking this dangerous turn in his life.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Democrats Only Choose Policy That Increases Dependence On Big Government


Why do Democrats oppose school choice? Because when parents are able to send their children to a better school than the one that’s located nearest their home, they become less dependent on big government and big government’s (usually failing) schools. And if children attend a private school of their parents’ choosing they get an education that is superior to what government schools offer, and the resulting graduation of educated students from these better schools means they will get better jobs and have a much reduced dependence on government later in life, than those students who attended government schools.

As one listens to Democrats making their speeches at the Democrat National Convention, you get a never-ending flow of government solutions to poverty, crime and joblessness, most of which social maladies were unheard of only a few years ago when neighborhood schools actually taught students the things they will need in their post-grad lives. This constant harangue of pro-government propaganda pretends that there are no private, non-government solutions to the many problems facing today’s society. And it’s all just another big government, Democrat, lie.

A government that cares about the many problems facing young citizens these days would demand that students attend a good school and get a proper education in order to prosper in the future, instead of demanding that free choice in schooling not be allowed. But Democrats speak only of how government can best run everyone’s lives and bail them out when they find themselves on the street with nowhere to go, instead of preventing the social catastrophes in the first place. Less government is the best government, and everyone benefits when we don’t need government for our personal issues at all.

The stark reality of the line of crap coming from Democrat speakers at the DNC is spoken by Democrats who attended the best schools and often have become wealthy as a result. But instead of using their experience to enlighten and warn young people of the bad results that government schools offer, and instead of encouraging them to work hard in order to achieve, they are told to depend on government.

Government politicians are only thinking of their own future as government bureaucrats, making a big salary “helping” people who were allowed to enter their adult lives with little education and even less success in their personal work and family lives. And that’s why Donald Trump needs to whittle down the DC swamp when he takes the White House in January, 2025.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Democrat National Convention And The Movie “Old Yeller”


The sweet, old, emotional movie from the 1950s, Old Yeller, expressed the quiet love and devotion of a family pet. But the old yellers at the Democrat National Convention were the same bunch of lying over-modulators we’ve become familiar with when dealing with Democrat politicians.

Especially offensive and just plain noisy, were Biden on night one and Obama on night two. These two bombastic fools don’t understand the modern technological theory of electronic amplification and believe that they have to yell at the top of their lungs to be heard. And they did just that.

The substance of these two men’s words was as offensive as their volume (and one must not overlook the intentional stammering of Obama when he pretends to get wrapped up in his verbiage). Biden repeats the Democrat lie that Trump called soldiers fools and suckers, and Obama criticizes Trump for “dividing up families” illegally crossing our borders, although the Harris administration has lost track of 80,000 children to child traffickers these last three years. And if memory serves, the Obama administration originated the separation of children from their adult escorts in order to halt child trafficking. But as usual, Democrats lie about everything Trump does, because Trump’s ideas and policies actually work.

It seems that the philosophy of Democrat speakers is to make up in volume what they lack in meaningful commentary, and that’s what the DNC convention did.

And how about the stars of the DNC placing their right hand over their hearts as they receive applause? None of these Democrats care a whit about Christianity nor about patriotism, so what is the hand-over-the-heart thing about? Could it be a sign of blessing to each other in their love of our constitution? Not likely with this bunch.

It could possibly be just a contrivance to make all of us boobs watching the parading of Democrats believe they are sincere in their solemn attempt to lead the greatest nation on earth back from the perdition of the Biden/Harris administration. But it’s more likely to be a far-left sign showing allegiance to the great Obama and his Fundamental Transformation of America.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Trump’s First Debate Buried Biden, And His Second Debate Will Bury Kamala


In a world where leftist policies are obeyed blindly by Democrats, and Republican patriots are the only ones responsible enough to express a judgement on right and wrong policy positions, conservative news agencies and the Trump campaign are the sole parties to express real world comparisons of conservatism against the Biden/Harris foolishness that has shaken the United States to its core these last three-plus years. Conservatives are the only ones giving the American voters arguments and policy statements which have always been an essential part of a presidential campaign.

It’s our responsibility as conservators of all-things-American to list and compare good policy against bad policy, and we do these things because we love America and we have faith that our efforts will be rewarded with success.

Although it may be a bit too self-serving, one might be safe to say that conservatives are saving democracy. So even though Kamala will still not state the positions and beliefs that she’ll adhere to if elected, and even though she lies lavishly about the things she pretends to believe in, and even though she’s stealing some of Trump’s firmly held positions in order to appear to be a less radical leftist than she actually is, conservatives retain faith in democracy because we believe in the constitution of the United States.

Not only will Kamala not state and describe her intended policies if she is elected in November, but she can’t even state in English her broader opinions. She has stated that she opposes “price gauging” when she means “price gouging”.  She claims to be in favor of not taxing tips for “hospitility” workers, when she means “hospitality” workers, which of course is a position stolen directly from Trump. She makes a fool of herself when she constantly repeats the phrase “what can be, unburdened by what has been”, which she obviously thinks is the deepest thought ever expressed, when each of us who listen to this woman speak, wish we had not been “burdened” by Kamala’s “having been” born.

What the hell is this fool woman talking about? Does she not speak and understand English?

Anyone who remains silent on their political positions during a political campaign, yet flip-flops on all past policy positions they once held, will always be found to be a liar once in office. We are now in phase two of the “hidin’-Biden” basement campaign we saw in the last election. Leftist political positions are so out of favor in the United States that both Biden, and now his heiress-apparent, are kept under wraps while the leftist press campaigns for them and covers up their actual radical, far-left beliefs.

It's too bad Democrat can’t run an honest political campaign, but they know they’ll lose if they tell the truth.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Identifying One More Of Kamala’s Many Lies


The Democrat candidate for the presidency, Kamala Harris, said recently that she will halt the rate of inflation by attacking big corporations and their price-gouging of the American middle class. As usual, Kamala is a mile off base with her idiotic statement.

One wonders, according to former statements from our always-wrong, Socialist, Vice President, why the rate of inflation and all of the corporate price-gouging that Democrats claim is happening, didn’t occur under the Trump administration. After all, Trump is said by Democrats to be the candidate who prefers the rich and powerful corporations over regular citizens, and if Democrats are correct, he would have been the president to encourage price-gouging and the harm that it’s doing to American citizens. But inflation and the steep prices of all goods were at all-time, stable lows during the Trump administration.

Inflation only raised its ugly head with the coming of the Biden/Kamala administration, because their anti-petroleum and anti-automobile policies caused the very rapid increase in the price of gasoline, which causes all other prices to rise along with it. Plus, the Biden/Kamala administration started spending public money like drunken sailors on their lying, warming/change claims, and prices increased as big government payouts to promote their pro-green, radical ideas were made to their Democrat allies and supporters. Kamala’s and Biden’s pals got richer, and the American middle class got poorer.

Companies don’t like price increases on the products and services they sell, because as prices rise, fewer related consumer items are sold. So they prefer stable, reasonable prices that allow them to make a profit on sales consumers can afford. But when government forces high fuel prices and hits companies with increasing regulations, those companies have to pass on the costs of the higher prices to their customers, or stop doing business.

And oddly enough, the current cost of staying in business, at a time of higher costs imposed by the Kamala administration, is also occurring as Democrat-run cities are being overwhelmed with crimes that are forcing many companies to close their doors, because fools like Kamala Harris successfully pushed the stupid policy of defunding the police. So now criminals are running our largest cities, just like the Mexican gangs are running the human trafficking and drug running across Kamala’s open borders. So once again, American citizens suffer for the stupid decisions and policies of the Biden/Kamala administration.

So the question remains, why did inflation and the financial destruction of the American middle class begin in the control-freak Kamala Harris administration, yet remain so low during the Trump administration? It’s because of the crazy-Commie, Kamala Harris, and her destruction of America, along with the price controls that she wants to impose on American companies under the idiotic theory that all corporations are price-gouging, accompanied by the Democrat belief that only dictatorial control from the White House can fix the problem, a notion that will only hurt lower-income Americans the most.

Democrats are a plague on America, and Kamala has been leading this disease for over three years. We can’t afford to put her and her radical pals back in charge for another four years.

Monday, August 5, 2024

At The Very Least, The DC Swamp Willingly Exposed Trump To Mortal Danger


I don’t believe that anyone in the DC swamp directly plotted Trump’s assassination, but his death would have made all their lives, and their struggle to gain and retain power, more simple and pleasant.

A slight oversight in security here, an unintentionally exposed flank over there, too few personnel to control crowd flow somewhere else, and BOOM!! a deranged person with a weapon slips through, and the orange menace is gone, and the swamp’s power struggle is made easier. And although there may still be some embarrassing questions asked after Trump’s assassination attempt, in which some awkward accusations may be made, and some unfortunate boob may even lose his or her job. But no resident of the swamp will go to jail, and life can return to normal in big government even though the orange man is constantly getting in the way.

On the other hand, the Biden/Harris administration, with their refusal to give RFK any Secret Service protection at all, has sent the signal to all of its agents that assassination protection provided by the Secret Service is optional and corners can be cut in order to divert more money toward new, wasteful and leftist green projects that Biden and Harris find more appealing.

Trump’s injury is a scandal and a cover-up of at least “grassy knoll” proportions, and the corrupt FBI director is further muddying the water by projecting that Trump was not struck by a bullet and is simply posing as a victim to get sympathy for a scratched ear.

The United States is on the verge of total political collapse with Biden and Harris and their leftist Democrat pals doing their corrupt business, and we can only pray we remain a nation long enough for Trump to bring us back to normalcy in 2025.

Friday, August 2, 2024

How Can Democrats Be So Stupid And So Intentionally Knuckleheaded?


Yesterday, August 1, 2024, on Fox News Channel’s program “The Five”, the leftist member of the panel, Harold Ford, Jr. was very critical of Donald Trump’s candidate for Vice President, J.D. Vance, because after watching a position statement made by Vance, Ford said that Vance was too vague about the things the Trump administration would do to correct the various problems American citizens are facing under the horrible, no good, very bad, Biden/ Harris administration. Things like securing the border, too-high prices on necessities, increasing crime rates in Democrat-run cities due to the radical left’s defunding of police forces, and average citizens being forced by government to buy electric cars.

Even though I specifically heard Vance state the Trump border policies of “remain in Mexico” and “deport illegals who enter the country”, I really don’t think it’s too hard to understand that, if  Trump was elected to a second term, he would do the same things he did during his first term, all of which worked, and most of which the Biden/Harris fools reversed, thereby making their administration a total failure, and making the lives of American citizens more dangerous and costly.

And then there’s Kamala’s constant flip-flopping on the things she will do if elected. Formerly she wanted to defund the police, now she doesn’t; formerly she wanted government health insurance imposed on all Americans, now she doesn’t; then she wanted to end fracking, but now she is in favor of it. So how can we believe anything she says if she has not convinced us we can trust her to tell us the truth about her policies? It’s obvious she’s lying about everything, and she’ll never make an attempt to create a smaller, less intrusive government and allow Americans to conduct their own affairs without government giving its blessing, or making it mandatory.

So, one wonders, with six months still remaining in her current position of Vice President, and if she’s really serious and wants to convince us of her sincerity about future policy changes, why doesn’t she go ahead and implement all of her proposed policies immediately as a show of good faith, each of which would be a reversal of current policies in the Biden/Harris administration? Because she’s a liar and a Socialist, that’s why, and she will never reverse the leftist clap-trap that she wants to shove down the throats of Americans.

Harold Ford, Jr. said that we need specifics from Trump and that we can’t trust the successful things Trump did in the past to be used in his next administration, but Trump wants Americans to succeed, and since he implemented successful, workable policies in the past, how can dumb Democrats doubt that he’d implement the same common sense policies again in the future?

On the other hand, everything the Biden/Harris administration has done has failed, so how can we trust such stupid, non-serious people to implement wise policies in the future, especially when Kamala’s principles seem to change every time she turns around, and with six months left in office, she won’t change any of her failed policies for new successful ones in order to demonstrate her good faith intentions for the future.

 Once a Socialist and a liar, always a Socialist and a liar.