Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation Of America” Is Alive And Well In The Democrat Party

If there is even a suggestion from the left that they just want to make America a better place in which to live and that they just want to fix what’s broken in our society, they can honestly be called liars.

Liberals are more concerned with taking away the tax breaks that President Trump has given them. Liberals are more concerned with forcing government medicare-for-all on us, which, after Obamacare, we know is too expensive and doesn’t provide better healthcare, and for those of us of a certain age who have been forced to accept the current iteration of Medicare, we know it‘s no good. Liberals want to provide “free” college education for everyone, even though it’s obvious that this idea, as well as being too expensive, will destroy education, because any education the government offers that’s “free” will be reduced to the lowest level of quality by the lowest level of professors.

The minimum wage is the invasion of the government into the dealings of private companies. It invades the individual agreement of an employer and the employee,  and it simply increases the cost of any product made or service provided by the impacted company while eliminating low-wage starter jobs and the experience gained from entry-level jobs, which are needed by young people. Sanctuary cities will all end up like Chicago and San Francisco, with increased murder rates and increasing levels of poverty and homelessness.

There is not one idea from any Democrat that will make our border more secure,  make our companies more profitable and give citizens more wealth and liberty. All of the Democrat ideas will hurt the poorest first, and the rest of us eventually. Liberals lack the ability to see what government control did to North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and then  make suggestions that will help our nation avoid these socialist traps and improve life in America.

And when a leading Democrat candidate, seeking a House seat from the state of New York, argues that Israel is an “occupier” of Palestinian territory and must be forced to leave, along with other, numerous idiotic ideas she has espoused, we know we’re dealing with fools who must be kept out of political office at all costs.

Liberals are not interested in improvement, they are interested in control; and their guiding light is not the constitution, rather it’s Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.