Democrats have lost so many battles for the soul of America in the last year, you’d think they’d have learned their lesson by now. The more they bitch, moan and scream in people’s faces, the more ill feeling they generate against themselves. And when they suggest that an accused person must prove his innocence or be assumed guilty, without a trial nor even a verification of the truth of the charges, they destroy the entire mantle on which our nation is formed.
They lost the presidency. They’ve lost the Russian collusion investigation. They lost the tax reduction fight. They lost the healthcare fight. They lost the Supreme Court fight. They have lost the regulations fight. They have lost the foreign trade/ tariffs battle. They’ve lost the employment/unemployment battle. They should be tired of losing by now, because, as President Trump has repeatedly warned us, we Republicans are getting tired of winning all the time.
But the violent, radical left, which is currently running the Democrat party, will never learn to tone-down their rhetoric, nor just shut up and go away for the betterment of their party, because control and rule-making is all these autocratic fools understand. Most of them have never worked in a for-profit company and know only the soft pressures of academia and government service, or maybe they were a talking head for a Clinton or Obama effort. So now if they’re not colluding with some enemy group trying to undermine America’s economy or our social and legal practices, they would have nothing to do.
On the other hand, when Barack Obama became president with his promise to undo our founding fathers’ excellent constitution as he personally “Fundamentally Transformed America“, along with his massive efforts to use his race to divide America against itself, Republicans refused to take to the streets, and instead began quietly, peacefully and steadily working to get Obama and the Clintons out of public office and began Making America Great Again. And the proof of the superiority of this mature, patriotic policy is the presidency and the initiatives of Donald Trump and his re-establishment of all that makes America great.
If a Democrat should become dominant again in any of the three branches of government they will use that power to undo all of the good work of President Trump, and America will be forced to pay a high price as these Antifa-loving, constitution-hating fools demand that all the things they don’t like be forbidden, and what they do like will become mandatory for all, under penalty and punishment of law. They must never again be allowed to gain any elected position again.