Now I know why the Hillary presidential campaign
reminds me so much of my youth in the 1960s and 1970s. It was the revolutionary
and murderous Weather Underground and the various environmental terrorist groups
that were doing such nasty work that remind me of Hillary Clinton and her
campaign: blowing up the offices of groups that they disagreed with, yelling in
the faces of police, or like Obama’s close buddy, Bill Ayers, killing policemen
and then becoming a respected and unrepentant college professor, followed by becoming
best buds with a radical left President of the United States. Those were the
days, my friend, and now the nation is being forced to experience those dark
and dangerous times again with the policies and actions of Hillary and Obama.
Hillary has been exposed by WikiLeaks documents and
Veritas videos as doing the same things as the numerous radical groups of my
youth, but the FBI is not investigating them and the president is endorsing the
leader of the group (Hillary) and is actively campaigning with her and stating
that she is the most qualified person to be our next president. Will serial
killers, rapists and slave owners be the next group to be endorsed by Barack
Obama as qualified for his job? If those are the qualifications, I believe I’ll
join Barbra Streisand and move to Canada.
What the hell has become of America when murderers are
praised and befriended by high officials, and bombers and chaos generators are
the most qualified for the presidency? Dennis Miller recently said that he
thinks “the ship has sailed” and that America is going over the falls headed
for an enormous crash, but one still holds out hope that we can get a very
different president in the Oval Office, in the form of Donald Trump, and that
his ideas will change the attitude of citizens and politicians alike and maybe we
can save this vestige of a nobler, more gentle time and begin to live more
sensible, prosperous, meaningful lives.