Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Mueller Declares Victory And Goes Home A Hero?

After more than a year of failing to find any evidence of Trump collusion with Russia about anything, how will Mueller get out of his embarrassing position and salvage his pristine reputation with the swamp dwellers in Washington? After all, he was appointed to either put Trump in prison or find evidence that could be used to impeach him, and he failed on both counts.

Perhaps he’ll state that, in his attempts to protect the American constitution and assure our electoral process, the collusion charges against Donald Trump had to be investigated by an impartial source like himself, and the charges were dutifully disproved by his staff in order to settle the upset minds of the American voting public following the 2016 election. He may say that his investigation did indeed disprove the collusion charges and that, therefore, he had been totally successful, and he’s now shutting down the investigation and retiring to his beloved family satisfied that he saved America from the dire threat of inflicting doubt about the occupant of the highest office in the nation.

As an added plus, hero Mueller will be able to take credit for exposing and getting rid of corrupt FBI and Department of Justice employees thereby leaving these departments performing clean and green once again, just as the American people want them to be.

One can also see a lucrative book deal in Mueller’s future, possibly a movie deal and definitely many TV talk shows in which mainly liberals will enjoy reliving the last twelve months and talking about the charges against Trump and how chaotic this last year was on his administration, and how the investigation caused the president much distress as he opposed the nuclear expansion of North Korea, tried to rebuild parts of the nation hit by unprecedented hurricanes, tried to get his political appointees approved by congress, tried to get Syria to stop gassing its citizens, reignited the economy, rolled back asinine regulations on industry and giving Americans a much-needed tax break.

Just the fact that the investigation existed satisfies the left’s persecution of and attacks on Donald Trump, and they’ll think of his discomfort forever as though the charges against him were finally proven. It’s what Democrats do.

But one thing is certain: Mueller will end the investigation as a conquering hero who vanquished all the bad guys arrayed against him, and not as the buffoon who found no evidence of collusion after over a year of intense and expensive investigation. Isn’t it great to be a Democrat?