Add to this idiocy by considering that fact that the main leader of the Socialist Green New Deal takeover of America is a self-made millionaire named Bernie Sanders, who has made his fortune in America and its Capitalist system, which can make anyone wealthy if they just work a little at it. The fool Sanders, and all of the Democrat candidates running for the presidency in 2020, are unified in proposing policies that are certain to destroy the American economic system to which they owe their own personal wealth. How stupid can people be?
More recently we have the bizarre situation of Democrats insisting that illegal aliens be allowed to enter the United States at will and settle in various cities throughout the nation, with no health checks, no criminal records checks, no English-speaking requirements and no skills requirements. But when President Trump suggests that all illegal aliens flowing into our nation be sent directly to sanctuary cities and be forced to stay in these locations who pretend to love and want them, liberals get all upset and begin dreaming up theories as to why this perfectly genius idea would be illegal, as if illegality matters to Democrats, and moan and wail that this would swamp their already failing Democrat-led cities with unwanted invaders that they can‘t afford to accept.
Democrats are predictable in doing things that are expensive and detrimental to our society, but perhaps the most disturbing thing about them is that their actions are contrary to the welfare of American citizens and to the future benefit of foreign invaders as well, and the fools can’t see the harm they do to everyone.