Statement from the Candidate

In 2010 I ran an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Congress, but I'm still posting blogs that I believe express an opinion that most other people miss, and that I also believe can make America great again and cast off the yoke of liberal/progressive control that is currently in place.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Just Another In A Series Of All-Whites-Are-Racists Lies

As much as Democrats, who actually are KKK racists, want to convince the nation that white Americans are all racists, the truth about each and every such accusation proves the leftists to be wrong.

The latest charge comes from NASCAR’s Talladega race track where black racer Bubba Wallace’s racing team claimed they found a noose in Wallace’s garage. The FBI, while not being able to find the time to investigate and punish the persons who burned black businesses across the United States these last two weeks, was on the scene within hours seeking the white culprit, who would be imprisoned and hounded for his white hatefulness for stringing up the noose, if such a person could be found.

But as happens in nearly all of the cases of nooses, racist notes and cross-burnings, this latest proof of how racist white people are, proved to be false, if not an outright, staged hoax. The “nooses” were merely looped ropes used to pull down the overhead doors on the race car’s maintenance stalls.

The real racists in America are Democrats, who had to be defeated by Northern Troops in a Civil War in order to get them to free their slaves, and then, decades later, federal troops had to force them to allow blacks into white-southern schools, and so on. But the leftist powers that be will not be swayed from their insistence of white guilt and endemic racism, in spite of one proof to the contrary after another.