In his book “The Unheavenly City” Edward Banfield
concluded that the reason criminals commit crimes, and all too often, continue
to commit crimes repeatedly, is that those individuals are unable to foresee
the punishment that awaits them following the commission of the crime; they are
unable help themselves and apply critical thinking when tempted, they just go
with the flow.
Democrats currently holding office in Washington are
in the same position as Banfield’s common criminals because, in their hate and
confusion, they are attacking Donald Trump and his unprecedented actions and initiatives
to protect Americans, and, as Banfield stated, Democrats are unable to see the
blame and contempt that will fall on them from every corner of our nation when
the next terrorist attack takes American lives. And the blame will rest with
Democrats for obstructing the Trump moves, which were voted for by a majority
of Americans in the last presidential election, and which are needed to protect
our nation from the filth residing beyond our borders.
Why can’t the fool Democrats, and the clownish Senate leader,
Chuck Schumer, not recognize that the American people voted for Trump in
reaction to eight years of Obama, during which nothing was done to protect
America from terrorist attacks, and we’re fed up with it and demand change.
But here come the leftist Democrats opposing Trump for
doing things that the American people want accomplished and voted in favor of,
and in their self-righteousness Democrats are working in contradiction to the
will of the American people.
The formerly politically astute Democrat Party was
just skinned alive by the upstart Donald Trump because the American people
approved his message and disapproved the same old crap (high taxes, unconstitutional
healthcare grab, open borders, dangerous agreement with Iran, insults to
England, abuse of Israel, ignoring red lines in the sand, begging Putin for
more cooperation) from Hillary and Obama. But along comes the totally confused
and clueless Democrats directly opposing the will of the American people.
The deluge of blame and criticism that will rain down
on Democrats following the next attack on America will bury these fools
forever, but they are too stupid to see what’s coming their way, just as they
could not see the political threat of Donald Trump until it was way too late.
And the liberal, mainstream press and its never-ending attack on Donald Trump
and their fake, lying “news”, will suffer right along with the Democrats.